B2B customer

B2B Customer Acquisition is an offline product offered by Logosouk. We act as a force multiplier for your existing sales team in terms of onboarding new customers quickly and reducing your revenue generation timeline.

B2B customer acquisition

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B2B Customer Acquisition is an offline product offered by Logosouk. We act as a force multiplier for your existing sales team in terms of onboarding new customers quickly and reducing your revenue generation timeline. Because customers & revenue are the most critical part of any business.

Our services are usually suitable for businesses that have a clearly defined product or solution. Where the product is introduced to the targeted businesses and basic onboarding information is collected to add to the sales funnel. The fee is usually on a “Per Acquisition” basis and works best to ramp up the customer base in a short span of time.

Ideally suitable for

  1. B2B Apps
  2. Services that offer try and buy
  3. Essential Business Services
  4. Essential Business Products

Our team of gig workers are trained to handle these requirements and will introduce the product or service to the POC in every organisation and onboard the customer with basic business information. This data is then used by the Sales / Marketing or BD teams in the client organisation to get them to start using or buying the product.

It’s a service that pays for itself with a quick customer onboarding and faster path to profitability.

For more details on this service, talk to us and we will be happy to assist you with growing your business.